Loose and Sagging Skin
The Woodlands, TX

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Aging Skin

Having areas of loose, sagging skin is a common cosmetic concern for both men and women, and can be difficult to target with diet and exercise alone. At Reger Vein and Skin Specialists, we offer non-surgical body contouring and facial rejuvenation to help tighten and firm your problematic areas and improve your overall appearance without surgery or downtime.

Serving The Woodlands and surrounding areas in Houston, Reger Vein and Skin Specialists is led by Dr. Gregg Reger. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how to tighten loose or sagging skin using non-surgical body contouring and facial rejuvenation.

What Causes Loose/Sagging Skin?

The two major components that make your skin tight and firm, collagen and elastin, decrease in production during the natural aging process. This causes skin to lose its shape and elasticity, contributing to the appearance of loose and sagging skin. While aging is one of the primary reasons for the appearance of this common cosmetic condition, it can also develop as a result of significant weight loss or pregnancy.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring for Loose/Sagging Skin

At Reger Vein and Skin Specialists, we offer multiple therapies to help tighten and firm areas of loose or sagging skin, including the Venus Legacyβ„’ system for non-surgical body contouring and skin tightening. This state-of-the-art technology blends multi-polar radiofrequency with pulsed magnetic fields to treat damaged and aging skin from the inside out, creating a tighter, firmer appearance. This treatment takes as little as 30-40 minutes and requires no downtime.

Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation for Loose/Sagging Skin

For loose or sagging skin on the face, neck, and decollete, we offer the Venus Viva β„’ for non-surgical skin tightening using non-invasive radiofrequency energy. In just 30 minutes, many men and women see visibly smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin in as little as one treatment. Safe for all skin types, the Venus Vivaβ„’ requires no surgery or downtime.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring and Facial Rejuvenation for Men

In addition to restoring smoother, tighter skin for men, our services to correct loose or sagging skin can benefit men as well. At Reger Vein and Skin Specialists, we understand the unique needs of men and can restore a more chiseled appearance to the face and body to help restore your confidence in your appearance.

To learn more about Loose Sagging Skin, contact Reger Vein & Skin Specialists to schedule an appointment today! Call (832) 585-0090